Saturday, November 9, 2013

JN3-4-7, SUYOG APARTMENTS, SECTOR -9, VASHI, NAVI MUMBAI – 400 703, Maharashtra, India

Contact No.: +91 9920384002
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Innovative thinker with broad based expertise in Operations, Business Development and responsible for P&L. Proven ability to quickly analyse key business drivers and develop strategies to grow the bottom line. Looking for career enrichment opportunities in Record Management Setup, Operations, Sales and Marketing of Records Management Services, Records Management Training and Setting up policies with a growth oriented organization of repute.

w  Veteran in the Commercial Records Management Industry – India. High integrity, energetic leader known for ability and create successful outcomes in complex situations. Diverse industry and functional expertise, with a tenacious commitment towards driving sales, profit and market share growth.
w  An incisive professional with 23 years of extensive experience in the field of Records Management Operations, Business Developments / Office Administration & Customer Care.
w  Excellence in Customer Service, Facility Setup and Management.
w  Posses excellent communication skills, problem resolution abilities & maintains confidentiality.

An area of excellence includes:
Leading Change
Developing new business
Marketing Strategy
Managing Budgets and P&L
Redesigning business process
Leading and developing best teams
Negotiating and closing deals
Best Presentator
Growing revenue and Profit
Creating winning business plans
Raising capital
Forming strategic alliances
Building shareholders Value.

Executive Highlights
w  New Business Start-ups: Established Records Management Business  for largest corporate. Grown the business to 0.25 million cartons within 18 month time, increasing the top line at  500 thousand Dollars.
w  Mergers and Acquisitions: Spearhead 100 thousand carton business: Conducted due diligence, led negotiations, integrated operations and managed strategic relationship through complex technology transition.
w  Business Development and Sales Leadership: Personally closed private and public sector contracts for up to $ 0.7 million with organisations like Crown, IL&FS, Sharepro, Podar.
w  Leading and Managing an organisation of repute includes starting up operations and diversifications, in pursuit of assignments in Records Management.
w  Leadership / strategic alliance, sales administration / team management / project management.
w  Strategy Planning, Managing complete P&L.


Presently :      Senior Vice President – Records Management Business – India
                        Sharepro Services India Pvt. Ltd

Location : Mumbai.
Company Profile:  Sharepro, is a SEBI Registered Category 1 Registrars to Issues and Securities Transfer Agent. Incorporated in the year 1980 and is in share registry business for the last 32 years. We have the privilege of being the Registrars to some of the prestigious Indian corporate including several multinationals. We are managing the statutory records of our clients since last 32 years and have a good track record for dependability and integrity. We maintains assured quality standards for which the company is certified under ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management System).
Accountable for :
Startup unit of Sharepro with services like record storage and data protection, Document Imaging Services, Business Process support, NON-Voice Projects such as Digitisation.

1.     Responsible for Complete business vertical setup
2.     Implementation of ISO for RIM business (QMS and ISMS)
3.     Individually responsible for complete P&L.
4.     Responsible for Budgeting, making bottom-line strong.
5.     Solely responsible to develop strategic tie up for R&T and RIM Business, which is under process.

Currently managing approx. 0.20 Million Carton Setup in Mumbai

National Head – Business Setup and Development (India)                              2010 – July 2013
IL&FS Trust Company Ltd (Subsidiary of IL&FS)

Location : Mumbai, India
Company Profile: One of the largest fiduciary company ventured in to Record Storage and Management business in 2010 and currently one of the fastest growing Information Management company in India. Initiated complete business setup for IL&FS (one of the largest infrastructure development company in India).

Accountable for :
6.     Record Storage Setup and Management
7.     Business Process Support Services Setup
8.     Scanning and Digitisation Vertical setup
9.     Media Tape Storage and Management vertical setup
10.  Process and Document Scanning support for PSU’s (Bank of Baroda, Gas Authority of India)
11.  Implementation of ISO certification (QMS and ISMS) for the product and facilities.

Currently managing approx. 0.50 Million Carton Setup in Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai.

Divisional Manager – Records Management (Western Region, India) 2007 - 2010
Crown Worldwide Group (Records Management Division)

Location: Mumbai
                                           Company Profile: It is a major Service records management Provider for most of the Financial Sectors and Corporate Groups.   

§  Overall profit centre head for entire western region (Maharashtra / Gujarat / Goa)
§  Directing and controlling daily operations in most cost effective manner.
§  Overseeing all operations at the record centres situated in Mumbai  / Gujarat
§  Adhering to customer service standards, MIS etc by applying operational procedures.
§  Devising Work flow design, planning of record centres, Operational procedures.
§  Meeting the top lines as per awarded budgets.
§  Solely responsible to execute “Scanning and Inventorisation Project for Reliance Mobile” of 1190 Thousand Application Forms. Meeting the Topline before completion of Budget Year.


Fate Records Management WLL as Operations Officer                         2005 - 2007

Location: Bahrain

Company Profile: The organisation started its operations in March’ 07 to provide entire lifecycle solution on Records Management. It provides records management solutions to financial and corporate institutions across a vast array of vertical sectors in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

§  Directing all operations for management of records in efficient manner.
§  Determining the electronic & physical records to retain based on their operational needs & perception of risk.

Manager – Services (Operations)                                                                    2003 - 2005
NAX (Navbharat Archive XPress Private Limited, Mumbai

Location: Mumbai

Company Profile: It is a major Service Provider for ICICI Group, Kotak Mahindra, HDFC & other Corporate Groups.   

§  Directing and controlling daily operations in most cost effective manner.
§  Overseeing all operations at the record centres situated in Navi Mumbai.
§  Assuring prompt and accurate completion of given task / routine services requested by the customer.
§  Adhering to customer service standards, MIS etc by applying Six Sigma on operational procedures.
§  Devising Work flow design, planning of record centres, Operational procedures.

Manager – Services (Operations / Admin / Sales)                                          2002 - 2003
P Doc Management Solutions Limited, Mumbai

Location: Mumbai

Company Profile: The organisation is into Archiving and Content Management both Onsite and Offsite.

Role `  
§  Fore fronting all operations of a start up company by providing all services such as new facility centre setup including all safety – security & confidentiality measures installation / minimum automation setup etc.
§  Formulating and implementing new onsite records management system as per client requirements & training deputed officials on records management.
§  Efficiently handling a team of 35 executives in different activities such as:
°          Offsite Records Management.
°          Onsite Records Management.
°          Credit Point Verification Services.
§  Compiling MIS reports such as Re-filing Status, Request Delivery, Document Pickup Status and submitting to customers for their reference.
§  Negotiating and finalizing vendors for future purchases.
§  Devising separate Tape Management System (Preservation / Pickup and Retrieval) for Hungama TV (UTV Venture).
Assistant Manager – Record Centre                                                                 2000 - 2002
(Operations, Customer Care, and Sales)         
Sabero Iron Mountain Limited - Record Centre, Chennai.

Location: Chennai

Company Profile: A Record Management Service Providers for: Standard Chartered Bank, Prudential ICICI AMC Ltd., Zurich AMC Ltd., CAMS, Scope International.

w  Ensuring the smooth operation of Whole Record Centre which includes Administration, Operations & Customer-Care.
w  Undertaking all operations for collecting payments.
w  Compiling monthly reports such as MIS, Refilling Report, Facility physical management and security Report, House Keeping Report, Site Security & safety Report, Retrieval Performance Report and Overall Monthly Report.
w  Conducting Record Management Survey and preparing proposal for new prospect clients.

w  Entrusted with the responsibility of passing petty cash expenses.
Apr’ 01– Jul’ 02:          Assistant Manager – Admin & HR
                                    Bushra International Institute of Graduate Studies
Location: Mumbai

Company Profile: An extended campus of Charles Sturt University, Australia & Northwood University, USA)

w  Administering the overall branch operations.
w  Competently maintaining Assets Record & Office Stationary.
w  Maintaining stationary in & out record, Hardware & Software Installation, Purchase of office equipment, Annual maintenance contracts.
w  Taking care of statutory obligations like Registration under Shops & Establishment Act,
w  Making travel bookings, including foreign travels & Hotel bookings.
w  Undertaking recruitment by advertising through news papers.
w  Conducting interviews of prospective candidates by short listing resumes.
w  Arranging Interviews & coordinating with short-listed candidates till joining.
w  Handling all joining formalities by maintaining salary and leave records.
w  Scrutinizing all necessary documents of the students.
w  Facilitating in arrangement of fees (in AU$) through banks and forwarding the payment directly to the concerned Universities with all testimonies. 
w  Maintaining effective correspondence with the H.O in Malaysia for speedy Student Registration & enrolment, keeping a record of each student for future reference.
w  Organising accommodation facility process for outstation students.

Jan’ 91 – Jan’ 00:         Kuber Group, Mumbai

As Assistant Manager - Operations / Sales:   Auto General Finance and Leasing Ltd (NBFC)
                                                                                                            Location: Mumbai

w  Approx. 100% recovery of the loans, till Jan’ 2000 which was personally verified and sanctioned.
w  Coordinating with the RTO Agents for speedy process on documentation of vehicles.
w  Performing physical verification / scanning of each Auto Loan application for Navi Mumbai area Assessing client’s needs and advising on the best loan schemes available in the market.
w  Maintaining coordination with the concerned institution for quick disbursement of loans.
w  Boosting business by participating in Housing Exhibitions.

w  Holds the distinction of achieving yearly target of Rs. 3.5 crores disbursement through 4 wheeler Finance / Consumer loans.
w  Instrumental in selection & purchase of land in Navi Mumbai through tendered plots from CIDCO.
w  Recruited Direct Sales Associates to develop Auto loan segment.
w  Dexterously managed the submission of Loan cases of approx. Rs. 2.00 crores to different housing finance institutions.

As Executive – Finance & Systems                             

Location: New Delhi
w  Assisting System Administrator in administration of EDP Department.
w  Supervising 50 branches among 375 Branches spread all over India.
w  Performing regular backups to maintain daily transaction record.
w  Extending Software/Hardware support.
w  Undertaking computerization and software installation in new branches all over India.
w  Imparting software training to all the staff members.
w  Visiting branches all over India for technical support.
w  Proficiently handling all computer related queries at the time of public issue of the company.
w  Getting daily reports from the Merchant Bankers, Lead Managers to the Issue.
w  Submitting detailed report to the Managing Director as well as Chief Executive Officer on daily basis.

Commenced career as EDP Executive                         

Location: New Delhi

w  Awarded with an appreciation certificate from the group for Performance in Computerisation of Accounting System at National Convention, Mumbai.


1.         Bachelor in Business Administration (Retail Operations) from Sikkim Manipal University.

2.         Diploma in Information & System Management from Apple Industries Ltd., (APTECH)   


Proficient in Windows 95, Windows XP, MS Word and Ms Excel, MS Access, MS PowerPoint.


Date of Birth                  :           13th July’ 1970
Nationality                     :           Indian
Marital Status                 :           Married
No. of Dependants          :           1
Language Proficiency      :           English, Hindi & Kannada
Passport Number         :           A 6143740

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